Development of technologies
Modern conditions give Russia a choice whether to go with the stream overcoming repeating crisises directly connected with energy prices or to modernize economical situation of the country and in that way not to depend on external factors. Development of industrial technologies is one the important directions of modernization of economy. A huge country mining and processing a greater part of world mineral treasures, having enormous potential of specialists cannot allow itself to be on the backstage in the race of world technologies development.
Russia is one of few countries in the world which has capability to carry out its own developments in technology sector including technologies in electric machinery building sector. Studies of Soviet and Russian technologists have always had a significant meaning in the world scale especially when it goes about precise processing of materials, studies of magnetic field, use of new materials and components created on their basis. We can say with confidence that we have everything, just only a wish that is needed.
Development of machinery building technologies:
1. Energy efficiency of electric drives
Ruselprom was one of the first companies in Russia which started to research issues of energy efficiency of electrical machines and was the first company which started to produce such machines in series.
For reference: Volume of electricity produced in the country in 2014 was about 1 trillion kilowatt / hours. More than 70% of the consumed energy was used in the field of production and services: industry, construction, utilities, agriculture and transport. Most domestic enterprises are equipped with outdated equipment produced in 1960-80-s. It consumes huge amounts of energy in vain what puts Russia in a number of countries with the most energy consuming GDP. Use of energy efficient equipment will bring Russia closer to the goal of reducing of its energy consuming GDP by 40% by 2020. Reducing of energy consumption for domestic production will be a decisive factor in strengthening of the competitiveness of Russian goods, strengthening of resource bases of Russia and, ultimately, to the crisis recovery of Russian economics. Russia can save up to a third of all consumed energy in the country which is equal to 360-430 mln. tons of fuel per year and can be compared with the volume of all oil exports.
2. Introduction of modern methods of materials processing.
High precision robotic systems used at the plants Ruselprom Group for processing of parts of electrical machines help to ensure highest quality of parts surfaces as well as high accuracy of assembly of manufactured products. In its turn, these both indicators are critical for efficiency and increase of service life of manufactured products.
3. Use of updated element base for design of the electric drive control systems and energy generation systems.
Approach of Ruselprom specialists to use only best element base for construction of control systems had repeatedly proven itself in such sectors as nuclear, hydro and thermal power. We received recognition of our own control systems, which were designed, manufactured and tested by our experts for Russian energy facilities. That is why we are not resting on our laurels and keep on researching and introducing lots of new products into production.